Legal notices

1 – Editing the wedsite

Under l’article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, il est précisé aux utilisateurs du site internet l’identité des différents intervenants dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi:

Site owner: Géric Javid

Director of publication: Géric JAVID

Host: OVH SAS – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1 – Téléphone : 1007

2 – Intellectual property and counterfeits.

Géric Javid is the owner of the intellectual property rights and holds the usage rights to all elements accessible on the website, in particular texts, images, graphics, logos, videos, architecture, icons and sounds.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without prior written authorization from Géric Javid.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered to constitute an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

3 – Limitations of liability.

Géric Javid cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing the site.

Géric Javid declines all responsibility for the use that may be made of the information and content present on

Géric Javid is committed to securing the site as best as possible, however its liability cannot be called into question if unwanted data is imported and installed on its site without its knowledge.

Interactive spaces (contact space or comments) are available to users. Géric Javid reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this space which contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions relating to data protection.

If applicable, Géric Javid also reserves the right to call into question the user's civil and/or criminal liability, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic nature, regardless of the medium used (text, photography, etc.). .

4 – CNIL and management of personal data.

In accordance with the provisions of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended, the user of the site has the right to access, modify and delete the information collected. To exercise this right, send a message to our Data Protection Officer: Géric Javid.

Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont nous traitons vos données (type de données, finalité, destinataire…), lisez notre Privacy policy

5 – hyperlinks and cookies

The website contains hypertext links to other sites and disclaims any responsibility for these external links or links created by other sites to

Navigation on the website may cause the installation of cookie(s) on the user's computer.

Un “cookie” est un fichier de petite taille qui enregistre des informations relatives à la navigation d’un utilisateur sur un site. Les données ainsi obtenues permettent d’obtenir des mesures de fréquentation, par exemple.

You have the possibility to accept or refuse cookies by changing your browser settings. No cookies will be placed without your consent.

Cookies are stored for a maximum period of 12 months.

Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont nous faisons usage des cookies, lisez notre cookies policy

6 – Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction.

Any dispute relating to the use of the website is subject to French law. Except in cases where the law does not permit it, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Toulon.

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